Annual Conference
by Kelsey Levesque
We are so excited to announce the date for our Annual Granite Youth Alliance Youth Empowerment Training! This year, the Ignite Change conference will be held on November 15th, 2024 at the Austin17 House from 9am – 2pm.

Event Details
This annual conference is designed for youth prevention programs that are interested in taking action in their communities! We have a packed schedule full of interactive workshops, skill building exercises, and time for producing a studio quality prevention video!
Who: Youth in substance misuse prevention programs and their advisors
When: November 15th, 2024 from 9am – 2pm
Where: Austin17 House 263 Route 125, Brentwood, NH
Cost: Suggested fee of $20 per youth participant which covers the cost of lunch and a t-shirt. However, no youth or group will be turned away for lack of programmatic funds – just let us know.
Registration Details
There are two components to registration: (1) organization registration and (2) student registration.
Organization Registration: One adult advisor per youth organization should register their program. It will ask you for an estimate of the number of adults and students you will bring, and it will give you an option to provide the name and grade of students you plan on bringing. Registration is due on or before November 1st. Click here to access the registration.
Student Registration: Each student is required to bring a signed copy of individual registration form in order to participate. This form will be collected during check in at the event. Please help us facilitate this process by ensuring that each student has this before they arrive at the event.
Tentative Agenda - Subject to Change
8:30 – 9:10 am Check-in / Breakfast
9:10 – 9:15 Welcome & Opening
9:15 – 9:55 KEYNOTE: Brian O’Keefe (Drug Enforcement Administration)
10 – 10:50 INFO & SKILLS Breakout Sessions - A variety of workshops on vaping, marijuana, video production and counter advertising will be offered. Students will be able to pick which they want to attend.
11:00-11:50 LUNCH (provided by conference)
12:00-12:50 ADVOCACY Breakout Sessions - A variety of workshops taking action ranging from media campaigns to policy change will be offered. Students will be able to pick which they want to attend.
1:00 – 1:50 pm KEYNOTE #2 – Triggered by Michael Stoddard
1:50 – 2:00 pm Conference Closing
As always, if you have questions, comments, or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to us. The best contact for this event is Kelsey Levesque at