
In 2009, Dover Youth to Youth consolidated all of its projects, lesson plans, exercises, media and other work product into a comprehensive training manual called the “One Voice Youth Empowerment Toolkit.”

The Toolkit was created to assist local communities that we’re trying to replicate our One Voice Youth Empowerment Model in their schools under a state grant by our region. Since that time, dozens of organizations and communities have purchased a Toolkit to use as a blueprint to design their own youth empowerment programs. Other programs have purchased the Toolkit to have as a resource for their reference or get ideas for specific activities for their group – but are not trying to replicate the entire program.

The toolkit is broken down into Modules that cover everything from getting started, to student training, to taking action. For example, there is a Module on teaching Presentation Skills for Youth Advocates and one describing how to conduct a Gear Exchange or use our scripts to record a radio PSA. Each Module is a self contained resource providing step by step instructions and everything needed to replicate that activity or project.

The Toolkit includes a 32 gig flash drive that contains a folder for each Module in the Toolkit. The flash drive contains all of the electronic files that support each Module, from such things as PowerPoints, handouts, lesson plans, exercises, and video clips — to sample work product, templates, press releases and flyers for awareness projects.

The following link leads to a PDF of the One Voice Youth Empowerment Toolkit Table of Contents. It can be used to get a general outline of the kinds of topics covered in the Toolkit. Once a program purchases the Toolkit – they are encouraged to stay in contact with Dover Youth to Youth by phone or email to get technical assistance as needed to use the materials effectively.

How to Purchase

To purchase the One Voice Youth Empowerment Toolkit, go to the purchase products page. If you have questions, please contact Dana Mitchell directly.

Tour of the Toolkit

You can view a short video providing an overview and tour of the toolkit below.