Wednesday After School
The Wednesday After School Team consists generally of 18-20 middle school students who are in their first or second year in the Youth to Youth program.
The majority of members of this team are in grades 6 and 7. They meet once a week for two hours during the school year. Usually those meetings are from 2:30-4:30 pm and they meet nearly every Wednesday from October through March. Since all of the members of this team are relatively new participants in Y2Y, their assigned activities are selected to help build teamwork and core advocacy skills, such as public speaking.
Team Responsibilities:
These students take on presentations that allow them to develop their speaking skills and get them accustomed to being in front of an audience. All members participate in the Samantha Skunk presentations in Dover elementary schools and theatrical skits such as the Top 7 skit done each year for DARE graduation. Some members also have the chance to teach the TRUTH about Tobacco lessons in 4th grade classrooms.
Legislation and Policy Change
Students on this team are encouraged to travel to the State House in Concord and observe the older members testifying on legislation. They are trained in the workings of state and local government during that process.
Action & Awareness Projects
Team members participate in all of the major projects of Youth to Youth and often take on simple individual projects involving only their team. Each year these students do Sticker Shock, Plaster the Walls, Santa’s Castle, Zombie Project, and other simple projects.
Members of this team occasionally have opportunities to record radio PSAs (although this remains the primary responsibility of the Monday Night Team which is comprised mostly of older high school students).