Plaster The Walls

Dover Youth to Youth students target one school and cover the walls with dozens of anti-tobacco posters which stay up for the week of Kick Butts Week.

Project Description


Each year Youth to Youth students conduct the Plaster the Walls Project at the middle school as a part of Kick Butts Week. Although we have done this for tobacco use prevention, the concept could easily be applied to any issue from underage drinking to wearing seat belts.

After obtaining the school administration’s permission, students place dozens of anti-tobacco posters that show the effects of tobacco use in every hallway and in many classrooms throughout the targeted school. The intent is to create a sudden “blitz” effect, and then remove them within 5-7 days.

Facilitating Change

A variety of different posters are used for this project to prevent the message from being too repetitious. Many of these are purchased commercially. One style we use is a homemade version by Y2Y. Students obtained slides from a head and neck surgeon of patients with a variety of mouth and throat cancers and conditions. These were blown up into 8 x 12 inch photographic prints. These photos were then attached to a cardboard base that the students had printed up at a print shop.

Plaster the Walls

“We wanted to show you something that they don’t want you to think about. Don’t be a Sucker (of tobacco).”

Y2Y Base Poster

These posters are very aggressive and high profile. We have been allowed to do this project for a week each year since the program began in 1996, but we have been asked to keep them out of the cafeteria for obvious reasons.