Media Production
One of the skills Youth to Youth students need to get their drug-free message out is an understanding of how to design and produce media, whether it is a poster, a flyer, or a radio advertisement.
We provide training for our own students, as well as for students and adults from other programs, on media development and production. To make the process as simple as possible, we developed an 8-step process for developing any piece of media, and we use this process to train our students and sometimes students from other communities. For more info on this training, go to our Developing Media page on this web site.
Our ads are also made available to other agencies and communities who either play them locally just as we recorded them or put their own tag on our spot for use in their area. Some locations have actually re-recorded our script with their own tag. Our ads have been used in virtually every state in the US. We permit all of these uses with some minor conditions as described below. If you want to obtain a flash drive of all of our PSAs as mp3 audio files or video files as well as the associated scripts, go to our Purchase Products page on this site.
We would like to express our appreciation to radio station WOKQ and production director Mark Williams for all of their technical assistance since 1998 in producing Youth to Youth’s 70+ radio PSAs.
We also would like to thank Spires Video Services, LLC of Dover for their technical help in producing our 30-second video PSAs so that they are broadcast quality. Starting in 2013, these videos have been playing on WMUR Channel 9 and on regional cable channels.