Dover Youth to Youth would like to use this space to recognize the following organizations that have partnered and collaborated with us on campaigns, projects and other initiatives.
Wentworth-Douglass Hospital
We thank the Wentworth-Douglass for their ongoing financial support of our many prevention initiatives.
One Voice for Southeastern NH
Youth to Youth has been working with One Voice to replicate our program in other cities and towns around the region. They were also a huge assist in the development of the One Voice Youth Empowerment Toolkit.
Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids
Dover Youth to Youth participates every year in the campaign’s Kick Butts Day and in other national initiatives organized by the Campaign. Students also regularly apply for recognition in their annual individual awards program and have been selected as Youth Advocate of the Year several times.
Dover Coalition for Youth
They have provided endless help and support of Y2Y over the years – including collaboration and technical assistance on countless projects & presentations, the purchase of supplies and materials for presentations, and providing the funding for this web site. Y2Y works closely with the coalition on community initiatives and awareness projects all year long.
Youth to Youth International
Each year Dover Youth to Youth members and staff attend the Eastern States Conference in Rhode Island put on by Y2Y International based in Columbus, Ohio. Our students often teach workshops and many are asked to act as youth staff for the conference.
We have to thank the Dover Police Department for being the host agency and fiscal agent for Dover Youth to Youth since its inception in 1992. Dover Youth to Youth is a part of the DPD’s Community Outreach Bureau.
Breathe New Hampshire
Youth to Youth has given presentations at the Breath NH youth summit, and worked with them on various initiatives to make the state smoke free.
Dover School District
Youth to Youth works with the Dover School Department extensively throughout the year. This collaboration includes the schools providing space, communications to students, collaboration with the DMS Art Department, coordinating speakers, Y2Y presentations, providing a stipend for one team adviser, and other support.