
Due to the wide variety of activities it is engaged in, and its aggressive and creative approach, Dover Youth to Youth has received several national and regional awards.


White House Drug Policy Office Honors Dover Youth to Youth of New Hampshire

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – Today during a ceremony at the White House, National Drug Control Policy Director Michael Botticelli honored Dover Youth to Youth as an “Advocate for Action.” Every year, the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy recognizes people who are making a difference in their communities through advocacy or direct services. Their work supports the Administration’s efforts to reduce drug use and its consequences through a public health and public safety approach.

Warning about providing teens with alcohol

Dover Youth to Youth was selected by the New Hampshire Association of Broadcasters (NHAB) to receive its Merit Award for Public Service Campaign of the Year. The students were recognized for their series of 4 radio public service announcements that warned the public about the dangers of hosting underage drinking parties and providing alcohol to teens.


Recognized for impact on community and throughout the state of NH
Dover Youth to Youth was selected by New Futures to receive its annual Youth in Action Award. The students were recognized for their work locally and statewide at an awards ceremony at the Grappone Center in Concord.

The Youth to Youth program was recognized for its community programs, advocacy at the state house in Concord, and educational presentations in Dover and throughout the US.

2011 & 2012

The city of Dover was given the America’s Promise Award for being One of 100 Best Communities for Young People. This was awarded by the America’s Promise Alliance. Dover Youth to Youth was recognized for its part in making Dover one of the 100 Best communities for Young People during Dover’s celebration of receiving this national recognition.  Dover has received this award two years in a row.


EUDL Award stage

Dover Youth to Youth was selected to receive the Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws Youth Leadership Award for its leadership in the fight against underage drinking.  The group received the award on August 11th at a large national conference on underage drinking prevention in Orlando, Florida.  The award was presented by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) and the Underage Drinking Enforcement Training Center (UDETC) to recognize a youth group who combines outstanding leadership in their community with a passionate commitment to preventing underage drinking.


The National Association for Addiction Professionals, honored the Dover Youth to Youth program with the President’s Special Recognition Award citing the program’s positive accomplishments and constructive leadership. NAADAC President Mary Woods was encouraged by Youth to Youth’s positive example.  We are pleased to honor young people who have taken a passionate and thoughtful approach to under-age drinking and smoking, she said.  The award ceremony was held at NAADAC’s Leadership Summit and Advocacy in Action Day in Washington, DC on March 8, 2005.


Y2Y received the New Hampshire Governor’s Traffic Safety Commission’s Excellence Award for our work in passing the Party Host Law and in 2004 Youth to Youth also received the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Region One Teen Safety Award for its efforts to promote Party Host Legislation.


The Fulcrum Shield Award for Excellence in Youth Anti-Drug Programs was presented to Dover Youth to Youth at the Pentagon by the US Secretary of Defense.  Colonel Mike Green of the New Hampshire Air National Guard nominated the group for this award. The Fulcrum Shield Award is a national award to honor an independent youth-based program that is affiliated with a US Military, Defense Agency or the National Guard. Y2Y was recognized for their support of, and work with, the NH National Guard’s Counter Drug Program.  This was the 2nd Annual Award and is named in honor of the five military personnel from Fort Bliss, Texas who were killed in an airplane crash in 1999 while on a counter drug reconnaissance mission in Columbia.


Pride Group Award 2002

PRIDE Youth Programs, a Michigan-based non-profit organization, which holds an annual prevention conference, selected Dover Youth to Youth as their PRIDE Youth Group of the Year at the 25th Anniversary PRIDE World Drug Prevention Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio, April 10-13, 2002.  The award was presented at the conference banquet in front of over 4,000 attendees from all over the US. In addition to Youth Group of the Year, Youth to Youth Member Kari Fitch was honored with one of four PRIDE Youth Leadership Awards presented during the banquet.  Ms. Fitch was recognized for her commitment and leadership.


Dover Youth to Youth was recognized at New Futures’ Annual Recognition Ceremony in Concord with the Merit Award for leadership. Sixteen of the group’s 200 members represented the program as it accepted the award for their efforts to reduce tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use.


On August 23rd the Smoke Free NH Alliance awarded Dover Youth to Youth the Smoke Free NH Alliance Shoulders of Atlas Award for its efforts to make cigarette rolling papers illegal to sell to minors in this state.


The Washington, DC based Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids selected the Dover Youth to Youth Program to receive the Youth Advocacy Group of the Year Award.  Dover Youth to Youth was recognized at an awards ceremony on May 12, 2000.    This was the first time in the history of the CFTFK awards program that the award had ever been given to any individual or group from the State of New Hampshire. It was also the first time that a dual award has been made to both a group and an individual from that group in the same year (Chaney Davis also won the Eastern Region Advocacy Award). Three students received an all expense paid trip to Washington, DC for the ceremony.